P.E & Sports


Foundation students are learning about the object control skill of bouncing. The students are also continuing to experience various locomotor skills like crawling, dynamic balance, running, jumping, climbing, and hopping which are all great for their health and fitness.

Year 1/2

Level 1 and 2 students are learning through the object control skills of bouncing and dribbling various ball types with their hands. They are learning to avoid objects across activities and games too.

Year 3/4

The Level 3 and 4 students have been learning about Target Games with a focus on further developing more complex object controls skills like rolling, throwing, operating robots and striking objects towards target or target areas.

Year 5/6

The Level 5 and 6 students have been learning about Target Games with connections to various sports. These include, Bocce, Ten Pin Bowling, Bowls, Nerf activities with a connection to Olympic shooting and Golf. The students have been learning about specialised movement skills with across the sports by adjusting their techniques by aiming to display accuracy and placement as they propel various objects towards a target or target area.

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